
虽然之前一直揶揄许多工作实质上是在做提示词工程(prompt engineering),但是当自己的工作也被要求和大语言模型结合的时候人就老实了。这篇博客根据AnthropicPrompt Engineering Interactive Tutorial总结当下最流行的提示词技巧。

1. 清晰明了地描述指令



2. 分配角色

有时候提示大模型充当特定角色是很有帮助的,这被称作角色提示(role prompting)。角色提示类似告知人们像…一样去思考并且能改变大模型回复的风格、说辞和方式。


3. 分离数据与指令

很多时候,我们并不想书写完整的提示词,而是期望一个能反复修改以提供额外输入数据的提示词模板(prompt template)。为此,我们可以将提示词中的固定骨架从可变用户输入中分离,并按需替换用户输入的部分。


# Variable content
ANIMAL = "Cow"
# Prompt template with a placeholder for the variable content
PROMPT = f"I will tell you the name of an animal. Please respond with the noise that animal makes. {ANIMAL}"


4. 格式化输出


# Claude Messages API
message = client.messages.create(
    model = "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
    max_tokens = 2000,
    messages = [
        {"role": "user", "content": "Please write a haiku about Cat. Use JSON format with the keys as \"first_line\", \"second_line\", and \"third_line\"."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "{"}

5. 一步步思考


# Prompt
PROMPT = "Name a famous movie starring an actor who was born in the year 1956. First brainstorm about some actors and their birth years in <brainstorm> tags, then give your answer."

6. 少样本提示词

少样本提示词(few-shot prompting)是指给予大模型部分示例来告知其应该怎么做和不应该怎么做,这往往非常实用,例如:

PROMPT = """Please complete the conversation by writing the next line, speaking as "A".
Q: Is the tooth fairy real?
A: Of course, sweetie. Wrap up your tooth and put it under your pillow tonight. There might be something waiting for you in the morning.
Q: Will Santa bring me presents on Christmas?"""


7. 避免幻觉


  • 允许模型不知道关于某一问题的答案。
  • 要求模型在回答前给出确切证据。
  • 适当调低temperature值以生成更确定的回答。

8. 从头构建复杂提示词


######################################## INPUT VARIABLES ########################################

# First input variable - the conversation history (this can also be added as preceding `user` and `assistant` messages in the API call)

# Second input variable - the user's question

######################################## PROMPT ELEMENTS ########################################

##### Prompt element 1: `user` role
# Make sure that your Messages API call always starts with a `user` role in the messages array.
# The get_completion() function as defined above will automatically do this for you.

##### Prompt element 2: Task context
# Give Claude context about the role it should take on or what goals and overarching tasks you want it to undertake with the prompt.
# It's best to put context early in the body of the prompt.

##### Prompt element 3: Tone context
# If important to the interaction, tell Claude what tone it should use.
# This element may not be necessary depending on the task.

##### Prompt element 4: Detailed task description and rules
# Expand on the specific tasks you want Claude to do, as well as any rules that Claude might have to follow.
# This is also where you can give Claude an "out" if it doesn't have an answer or doesn't know.
# It's ideal to show this description and rules to a friend to make sure it is laid out logically and that any ambiguous words are clearly defined.

##### Prompt element 5: Examples
# Provide Claude with at least one example of an ideal response that it can emulate. Encase this in <example></example> XML tags. Feel free to provide multiple examples.
# If you do provide multiple examples, give Claude context about what it is an example of, and enclose each example in its own set of XML tags.
# Examples are probably the single most effective tool in knowledge work for getting Claude to behave as desired.
# Make sure to give Claude examples of common edge cases. If your prompt uses a scratchpad, it's effective to give examples of how the scratchpad should look.
# Generally more examples = better.

##### Prompt element 6: Input data to process
# If there is data that Claude needs to process within the prompt, include it here within relevant XML tags.
# Feel free to include multiple pieces of data, but be sure to enclose each in its own set of XML tags.
# This element may not be necessary depending on task. Ordering is also flexible.

##### Prompt element 7: Immediate task description or request #####
# "Remind" Claude or tell Claude exactly what it's expected to immediately do to fulfill the prompt's task.
# This is also where you would put in additional variables like the user's question.
# It generally doesn't hurt to reiterate to Claude its immediate task. It's best to do this toward the end of a long prompt.
# This will yield better results than putting this at the beginning.
# It is also generally good practice to put the user's query close to the bottom of the prompt.

##### Prompt element 8: Precognition (thinking step by step)
# For tasks with multiple steps, it's good to tell Claude to think step by step before giving an answer
# Sometimes, you might have to even say "Before you give your answer..." just to make sure Claude does this first.
# Not necessary with all prompts, though if included, it's best to do this toward the end of a long prompt and right after the final immediate task request or description.

##### Prompt element 9: Output formatting
# If there is a specific way you want Claude's response formatted, clearly tell Claude what that format is.
# This element may not be necessary depending on the task.
# If you include it, putting it toward the end of the prompt is better than at the beginning.

##### Prompt element 10: Prefilling Claude's response (if any)
# A space to start off Claude's answer with some prefilled words to steer Claude's behavior or response.
# If you want to prefill Claude's response, you must put this in the `assistant` role in the API call.
# This element may not be necessary depending on the task.

######################################## COMBINE ELEMENTS ########################################


    PROMPT += f"""{TASK_CONTEXT}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{TONE_CONTEXT}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{TASK_DESCRIPTION}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{EXAMPLES}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{INPUT_DATA}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{IMMEDIATE_TASK}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{PRECOGNITION}"""

    PROMPT += f"""\n\n{OUTPUT_FORMATTING}"""
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